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What We Do

Lone Star Investment Advisors is a Dallas-based private equity firm that specializes in leveraged acquisitions and recapitalizations of strategically viable, middle-market businesses with strong potential for growth. The firm invests in a wide variety of industry sectors including manufacturing, industrial, distribution, business services and energy. We specialize in investments that will create employment opportunities in the communities in which they are located, and maintain a strong reputation for driving economic growth in low income areas.

Our Mission

The Lone Star family of funds shares the mission to make equity and equity-oriented investments in middle-market companies located in low to moderate income communities in the state of Texas. We have successfully invested in all types of economic and financial conditions, developing a track record that we believe distinguishes our firm.

Contact Us

4455 LBJ Freeway
Suite 300
Dallas, TX 75244

(972) 702-7390

Lone Star Corporate Office